Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
- Marshal Ferdinand Foch, 1911.
Benoist Model 14
Bleriot XI
Curtiss Model D-III "Headless Pusher"
Martin T.T.
Albatros D.V
Albree Pigeon-Fraser
Caudron G.3
Curtiss JN-4
Curtiss HS-2L
De Havilland DH-4
Fokker E.V/D.VIII
Gallaudet D-4
Nieuport 11
Nieuport 28
Nieuport Model 81
Packard-LePere LUSAC-11
Standard Model J
Sopwith Camel
Aeronca C-3
Aeronca L
Arrow Sport
Beechcraft Model 17
Bellanca CH-400 Skyrocket
Boeing F4b/P-12
Boeing P-26
Boeing 247
Curtiss R3C
Curtiss Robin
Curtiss F11C
Curtiss-Wright CW-1
Davis D-1
Douglas DC-1
Douglas DC-2
Douglas DC-3
Fokker T-2
Fokker Super Universal
Fokker Tri-Motors
Ford Tri-Motor
Gee Bee Sportster
Gee Bee Model Z
Gee Bee Model R
Heath Parasol
Howard DGA-3
Howard DGA-4
Howard DGA-5
Howard DGA-6
Hughes Racer
Laird "Solution"
Laird "Super Solution"
Lockheed Vega
Marcoux-Bromberg Special
Monocoupe 113
Monocoupe 90
New Standard D-25
Northrop Alpha
Northrop Gamma
Pietenpol Air Camper
Pitcairn Mailwing
Rider R-3
Ryan M-1
Ryan NYP
Ryan ST
Sikorsky S-38
Sikorsky S-39
Sikorsky S-40
Sikorsky S-42
Stearman Model 4
Stinson SM-2AA
Stinson SM-8
Stinson Trimotors
Stinson 10
Taylor E-2
Travel Air 2000
Travel Air 4000
Travel Air 6000
Waco ASO
Waco ZPF-6
Wedell Williams 44
Wittman "Chief Oshkosh"
Pioneer Aviation
Great War Aviation
Golden Age Civil Aviation
Golden Age Military Aviation
Golden Age Race Planes
Golden Age Airships
Golden Age Autogyros
List of ATC and Group 2 Approval's through 1940
Comparative Chart - Aeroplanes in the French Service - USAS, April 1918
Comparative Chart - Aircraft Performance (incomplete)
Curtiss JN-4 Model (FREE from Holcomb's Aerodrome)
This page was last updated on November 22, 2006.
All material used is either my own, is believed to be used with permission, or it is believed to be in the public domain. Please contact me if I am in error. The material on this website was posted for entertainment purposes only. Although I have tried to be accurate, this material may not be correct. This material should not be used for the construction, engineering, design, operation or maintenance of real aircraft without first deciding it's merits for yourself. I make no guarantees or other claims about the suitability of anything shown here for any application including those applications illustrated here. Trademarks, service marks, and copyrights mentioned on this site are acknowledged to be the property of their respective owners.