The Boeing 247


Boeing 247
Photo: Boeing

Western Air Express 247

Boeing 247

Boeing 247

Boeing 247A
Note: Double row radial

Boeing 247A

Boeing 247D

Boeing 247D
Note: nose baggage compartment (open)

Wrecked 247 in China
Photo: USAF

Boeing 247 - Cabin
Note: Wing center section obstructs aisle

247 - Cockpit
Note: Gyro in center panel

Roscoe Turner flew this B247
in the MacRobertson Race

Boeing 247 - 2 O'Clock

Boeing 247 - Tail

Main Gear - Retracted

Boeing 247 3-View
Courtesy of Eduardo Escalona

Boeing 247 Links

The NASM (Smithsonian) - Has a Boeing 247